Smithsonian-certified bird-friendly Coffee

Price: $15.00


Introducing our new, Smithsonian-certified Bird Friendly coffee blend!


Migratory bird species like the Blackburnian Warbler face many threats as they traverse the hemisphere. The biggest of those is habitat loss. one way you can help species like this is by purchasing the right coffee, like this one!  Our BIrds Georgia blend is sourced from small, organic farms in alignmnet with the Smithsonian Birds Friendly program. This means these beans were grown in the shade of caopy trees, providing vital resources for birds, better conditions for the tree itself, and in a way that supports the larger ecosystem and the farmers that rely upon it. By purchasing this coffee, you are helping to create and preserve locations where both birds and people thrive. This is a blend of Latin American coffees and has nice acidities, a sweet, fruity flavor, and a medium body. 


The Blackburnian Warbler featured on the label was drawn by Birds Georgia member, Julia Weil.


Birds Georgia partners with Camepsino Organic Coffee in Americus to produce this blend.